
The Book of Jeremiah is unavailable, but you can change that!

Of the Major Prophets, Jeremiah is perhaps the least straightforward. It is variously comprised of stories about the prophet Jeremiah, exchanges between Jeremiah and Yahweh, and messages directly from Yahweh—meaning a consciousness of form is essential to the understanding of its content. At times it is written in poetry, resembling Isaiah, while at other times it is written in prose, more...

More literally, the message “happened” (hāyâ) to Jeremiah. How did it do so? The introduction goes on to recount a conversation between Yahweh and Jeremiah (1:4–19). If we had been there, would we have heard Yahweh’s voice? Surely not everyone who claims to have heard God’s voice is crazy, and sometimes the Scriptures give a realistic report of God’s speaking aloud: see 1 Sam 3 and the varying accounts of Yahweh’s speaking at Sinai and of Jesus’s appearing to Saul of Tarsus. Or did the conversation
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